Every Higher Educational Institution (HEI) in the State to have Research, Development and Innovation Cell to develop research culture in HEIs.
To establish and promote collaboration with industries so as to bridge the gap between educational output and industry demand.
To promote Innovations, and Academic Reforms in institutions of Higher Learning.
To create conducive environment in Colleges & Universities for Knowledge Generation through improved Research facilities.
To provide expertise to faculty in preparing project proposals for funding by industry/research bodies.
To promote collaborative activities in the field of learning and Research.
50% of teaching workforce to have PhD by 2035.
Bring nationally and internationally known experts to train faculty and researchers in the State.
Facilitate in providing fellowships to PhD students, Postdoctoral Fellows, and financial assistance to Visiting Researchers.
Establish centralized instrumentation facility to performing world-class research.
Provide trainings to faculty and researchers to attract national and international research funds.
To work to identify and shortlist reputed resource persons in the various aspects of Teaching Learning and Educational Technology (TLET)
To develop and enhance the capacities of teaching faculty of Higher Educational Institutes in Goa.
To identify the training needs of teachers in TLET and organize regular workshops/seminars to faculties of Higher Educational Institutes in Goa
To create frameworks for improving effectiveness of teaching and the digital competency
Support the teachers to review, approve, improve and update syllabi to making teaching and learning effective.
To develop collaborations with national and international institutes specializing in TLET for joint research and sharing of ideas
To devise scheme and strategies for enhancing the quality of teaching and learning
To deliver lectures as visiting faculty in all colleges under the control of DHE
Coordinating with Director/convener of “Teaching, Learning and Education Technology” departments/cells in colleges to promote use of ICT for effective teaching.