
Kalpak Exhibition

{{_('KALPAK  at the entrance of the Exhibition Hall')}}

The Directorate of Higher Education has initiated a new program called “Kalpak”, an annual state level public event that aims to provide a unique platform to showcase innovative research projects of college students to the public.

The primary aim of this event is to showcase innovative research projects of students to the public, and provide a unique platform for college students to interact with fellow researchers to promote future, multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional research collaborations.

The first edition of “Kalpak” was held at the Adil Shah Palace (Old Secretariat) Panaji Goa, from February 26-28, 2020. The event showcased several research projects in sciences, arts, humanities, and engineering, in the form of working prototypes and poster presentations.

In addition to the research exhibits, a statue-gallery of scientists around the world was also on display.

To promote multi-disciplinary research and inspire next generation of researchers, a few talks by eminent experts were also organized. “Application of Mathematics in the World of Biological Sciences”, “Socio-Economic Reforms in Goa”, and “Wonders of the Universe”, took the audience on a tour from mathematics, to humanities, to the field of space exploration.