Grant in Aid Section

The G.I.A Section of this Directorate releases salary and maintenance grants to 31 aided colleges under the control of Directorate of Higher Education as per the Pattern of Assistance. The salary grants includes monthly salary of regular staff, salary arrears, salary of contract/lecture basis staff, counsellors, claims pertaining to Children Education Allowance, Leave Travel Concession and Medical Re-imbursement. The salary grants are released after scrutiny of the salary claims submitted by the colleges. The maintenance grants are released on reimbursement basis after the submission of the audited statement by the concerned colleges. GIA section also releases block grants to Goa University as per the Budget provision in the State Budget to meet the expenditure towards salary and ongoing infrastructure development project in the Goa University. The recurring grants are released to Goa Education Development Corporation as per the Budgetary provision in the State Budget to meet the expenditure towards salaries & wages, allowances, stipend etc, in accordance to the Pattern of Assistance.

Ms. Priti A Pednekar


Ms. Praja Y. Bicholkar

Upper Division Clerk

Mr. Sejal S. Naik

Upper Division Clerk

Mr. shailesh M. Halankar

Lower Division Clerk

Ms. Sujata Mandrekar

Data Entry Operator

Ms. Priyanka R. Raul

Data Entry Operator